The Arlington (Massachusetts) High School Class of 1961 website is where you can stay in touch with our fellow classmates, view photos of our high school days (even our grade school days), and revisit the sights and sounds of our youth.
First-time Visitors:Our website is designed not only to inform you, but to entertain you. Scroll down the page and read important information about the website. Then return to the top of the page and click on the menu links at the left to go to various pages.
On the "Classmate Profiles" page, you'll see "Then" and "Now" photos of our classmates, along with information about what they have been doing for the last 50 years.
If you are an AHS 1961 classmate and have not registered, you may do so by clicking on the "Classmate Profiles" link (top left). Then click on the "Add Your Profile" button (top of the page) and complete the form that opens in a new window. Please note, that your profile will not immediately appear on the website after you submit it. It is first reviewed by the website staff and your "Then" picture is added before it appears.
The "Classmate Profiles" page is password protected for privacy and ID theft prevention. If you have forgotten the answer to the hint, please e-mail us via the “Contact Us" page, and we will be happy to assist you.
The "In Memoriam" page is dedicated to our beloved friends and classmates who are no longer with us. "The Yearbook" page has a complete copy of each page in our Class of 1961 yearbook, "The Indian," including a section with our yearbook reproduced in Portable Document Format (PDF) for easier viewing especially on older computers.
Special thanks to:
Joe Rollins, AHS '61, for helping us establish our Arlington High School, Class of '61 website.
Tony Day, AHS '61 Class President for taking on the reponsibility of Administrator of the '61 website.